Red Deer
Red Deer
Reddish coloured during spring and summer and greyish during autumn and winter, the red deer is the biggest herbivorous in the Spanish Peninsula reaching over 440lb in some northern parts of the country. It presents a strong and elegant constitution with a hight at the withers between 40 – 60 inches, as well as a total length of approximately 78 inches. Only the males have horns and as all deer, they drop them after February every year.
Considered slightly smaller than its European “relative”, the Spanish red deer is without any doubt one of the most attractive animals, not only because of its prominent size but also because of its challenging hunt during the early and late hours of the day. Even in the rutting season, when they become less cautious and show up in the open very often, it will still be a big challenge for any experienced hunter. It is also one of the common species to hunt in Monteria.
In Spain, the red deer occupies large and different territories. From the northern areas of the Pyrenees and Cantabrian Range, throughout Sierra de la Culebra and the infinite meadows of Extremadura, Castilla la Mancha and Andalucía.
Being an animal of nocturnal habits, it usually extends its activity during the early mornings and late evenings, although in many places where the populations are significantly high, they can be seen during daylight as well. During the rutting season, which depending on the area, it takes place between September and mid-October, they can be found any time during the day as they become less cautious. As strict herbivorous, they predominantly feed on grass, crops, fresh buds and fruit trees.
Pyrenees, Cantabrian Range, Aragón, Extremadura, Castilla y León, Castilla la Mancha and Andalucía.
Season September – February
Recommended Calibre 270 Winchester
CIC Medal Bronze: 160 points; Silver: 170 points; Gold: 180 points
SCI Medal Bronze: 190 points; Silver: 231 7/8 points; Gold: 254 5/8 points