Roe Deer Hunting in Spain: The Beginning of a New Season.
Great expectations after an almost non-existent past season.
Last year, just before the season was meant to start and after a long 6-months waiting period, the situation forced us to stay at home, hence not allowing us to enjoy the beginning of a promising roe deer season for which most of us had been anxiously waiting. Instead, we had to conform ourselves starting to hunt them in late June -when the season opening takes place in April-, not the optimal time of the year as the rise of temperatures, the amount of food that is found in the thickets and the fact that most males have settled their territorial domains, reduces their activity.
Being April and May the two months in which roe deers have a greater exposure, therefore, being more vulnerable, the fact that we could not hunt them meant that many big bucks were left behind. Consequently, I guess I am not mistaken if I think that the expectations for this year were huge.
Hunting season and best roe buck hunting period in Spain.
The roe buck hunting season in Spain varies between regions. In this sense we can differentiate:
Galicia: from April 1st to July 31st.
Asturias: from April 1st to June 30th and from September 1st to October 31st.
Cantabria: from April 1st to July 31st and the whole month of September.
Basque Country: from April 1st to June 30th and September 1st to October 31st.
Navarra: from April 1st to July 31st.
La Rioja: from April 9th to the second Sunday of August.
Aragón: from March 1st to November 15th.Cataluña: from April 1st to the second Sunday of August and from the first Sunday of September to the second Sunday of October.
Castilla y León: from April 1st to the first Sunday of August and from September 1st to the second Sunday of October.
Castilla la Mancha: from April 1st to July 31st and the whole month of September.
Extremadura: from April 1st to September 30th.
Andalucía: from March 1st to April 15th and from July 10th to August 15th.
Amongst the many regions that we have, Castilla y León, Castilla la Mancha and Aragón are the territories with better genetics and produce a much better quality. Every year we harvest some exceptional trophies in these areas and currently, Castilla la Mancha holds the #1 roe buck of all times with a total score of 250 CIC points and 925 gr.
With regards to the best time to hunt roe bucks in Spain, we can distinguish two different periods. The first one is during the months of April and May, right at the beginning of the season and the second one between July 25th and the first week of August.
At the beginning of the season, the days can get chilly and humid, and it is not unusual to have temperatures below 0°C in the early mornings or even heavy rains which invite us to stay and relax next to a fireplace. During this time of the season, we often see large groups of individuals and the flow in those territories with rich populations is constant throughout the day. This allows us to hunt them during all day, being a fantastic time of the year to enjoy. Moreover, with the first buds coming out after a long winter, the oldest and shyest bucks show up easier and there is a high chance of getting a monster.

Our favourite second time of the year is towards the end of July and beginning of August, when the rutting season takes place. After a few months in which they seem to vanish due to the high temperatures and the abundance of food in the bush, the rutting season brings back a spark of activity which is undoubtedly one of the most thrilling moments for those roe deer enthusiasts. In any case, it is completely different. Days are long; it can get really warm, and the flies can make anyone go crazy. Mornings can get chilly sometimes and are an absolute pleasure to hunt. However, the greatest fun during the rutting season is to hunt roe bucks in the middle hours of the day by calling them in. You must be really passionate about it because it gets too hot, but the truth is that watching them come within 5-10 meters is really amazing!

What to expect from a normal hunting day in Spain?
When hunting roe bucks in Spain, each day is different and unique, and it usually depends on the time of the year when the hunting takes places. However, there are things which are part of every roe buck hunt with us and that will always be the same, which is the fact that every hunter goes back home having had a wonderful time and experience. Because we love what we do.
Just after sunrise we could maybe go to the top of a valley to glass and see the activity there is in the morning, or just try to walk along the infinite crop fields so typical from Castilla, or even sit and wait for an old buck previously scouted to show up in the sunshine. We rarely take a buck that we have not previously seen and analysed to ensure that he is the right one to take. We also enjoy getting to know their habits. This last part is, to one point, completely useless because if there is something that we know about hunting these beautiful animals is that things never turn out as we have expected or imagined for a thousand times.
After the first outing, the important part of the hunt begins: food, wine, and siesta. For such purpose, Spain is the place to be. Close to our hunting areas, there is a wide variety of extraordinary restaurants, where hunters and family members will be able to taste some delicious and typical dishes such as roasted lamb or pork, morcilla de Burgos (no way to translate such delicacy to English), roasted lamb chops, first class stake, tapas and an infinite variety of different things -all of which are not recommended if you are dieting-. Of course, guests will have the opportunity to taste some of the most amazing wines of Ribera del Duero. To finish off, we suggest hunters to leave space for a special dessert, essential before taking a siesta and heading back to the woods to hunt and witness a breathtaking sunset.
Much more than a simple roe buck hunt.
Normally and except for April and May, where we would normally hunt for almost the whole day, we arrange two outtings per hunting day. One in the morning and one in the evening. This means that during the day, there is plenty of free time available. For those willing to make the most of their time while in Spain, there are many interesting places to visit in the surrounding areas: from visiting one of the many wineries and trying some of their wines and appetizers, assisting to a bull fight, watching a flamenco performance, as well as visiting some of the amazing monuments around.
Roe buck hunting meant for everyone.
There is no doubt that at some point every hunter has dreamed about taking a once in a lifetime buck. Some regions in Spain such as Castilla y León, Castilla la Mancha, and Aragón where we have great areas produce outstanding quality bucks. In this sense, it is reasonable to think that there is a good chance of harvesting a huge trophy when hunting in these territories.
However, experience proves that a once in a lifetime roe buck trophy, does not need to be the biggest one in the world. Each and every roe buck hunt is different, hence, no matter the size of its antlers, this should never shadow the experience and learning obtained in one of these hunts. Furthermore, from a management perspective, the fact of only taking the biggest individuals with the best genetics is absolutely controversial. For this reason, although there are very good expectations of getting an exceptional roe buck, there is always a chance of adapting a hunt for those not just looking for a monster individual. This will allow everybody to have the chance of hunting with us and enjoying the incredible experience of visiting Spain.
¡Spain, a true paradise for roe deer enthusiasts!
If you consider yourself a passionate for roe bucks, find peace in early morning stalks, love trying nice food, being able to combine it with other game species, contact us. For sure, together, we will have a great experience, that is for granted!
Wishing you all a happy hunting and looking forward to meeting you soon.
Alvaro Mazon (Jr).